Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Buy Limited Firefly 10th Anniversary Celebration Art Print

So if you didn't know, the short lived TV series Firefly is amazing. Joss Whedon created and made it his beautiful baby but only after a few episodes Fox canceled it.

That was 10 years ago and it has more fan appeal than ever. To celebrate the TV series, this highly collectible print  is available but you need to be on a list to know when the pre-order starts.

How to get on the list you say?

Right Here

It is only 19.95 and seems like it is going to sell out quick.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gen Con Unleashes Batman: No Man's Land Heroclix

At Gen Con 2012 this year, Wizkids showed of all LE's to their next big tournament No Mans Land. Similar to the Infinity Gauntlet tournament you will build Batman's utility built.
Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Lockup,Helena Bertinelli as Batgirl and Clayface were on display but it seems we are waiting to see two more LE's released but the tournament series looks promising.

Monday, August 13, 2012

DC Unlimited 2013 Series 02 Reveals New Figures

  DC Unlimited is getting ready for next years release of their Series 02 and so far there has been two figures revealed. First up is from the upcoming DC video game Injustice: Gods Among Us version of Batman. I must admit in the game he looks a lot cooler than the figure but this maybe a prototype. The second is Wonder Woman from the New 52 line. This pieces looks amazing, but I do have a a soft spot for the new series. It is amazing! Look for these pieces to hit stores in the beginning of the year.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Batman Inc #3 Retrospect

After the tragedy that happened  Aurora Colorado, DC Comics  wants comic shops to not release  Batman Incorporated #3 on July 25th but instead on August 22nd. They feel it would be in bad taste and want to respect the victims and families of the shooting since DC feels this issue maybe inappropriate.
DC stated the comics tone contained:
“content that may be perceived as insensitive in light of recent events”.
The comics artist Chris Burnham also Tweeted on the matter and had this to say:
"Batman Inc #3 is going to be delayed a month due to some grim imagery that would seem wholly inappropriate given the Aurora killings.
"The book printed on time. I'm looking at a copy on my desk right now. This isn't a scheduling excuse, we're trying to do the right thing."

My retailer  sold it because their distributor did NOT tell them not to sell it,in fact they didn't eve know about DC request until I brought I up. It appeared DC only made this matter known through one news site outlet and the others like myself picked it up through gossip.

Here is my review on the comic:

The comic didn't seem to touch on anything that could relate to the tragedy at the 'The Dark Knight Rises' premiere. There was an open seen where a teacher pulls a gun on the classroom but no shots were fired and that was basically all I could see that they could connect to the incident. I just figured if this is the case half of DC comics should be banned because there is guns all over these books. I don't want to see that happen but I don't see how this comic connected to the incident other than having Batman in it. Regardless, I respect DC for respecting the families  of the victims of Aurora.

Now the review. We see a woman who is taken in by the Leviathan and nest we see her brainwashed in her class room  as a teacher.This is the same teacher who pulls a gun on her class, to teach them about the Leviathan. It sparked from there and the Leviathan picked up more and more followers and made the people questioning the movement disappear. Those people that disappeared were replaced with  Leviathan followers. They spread like a disease and Bruce knows they are what is behind the "death" of Robin.

Bruce enters the underworld as "Matches Malone". He meets up with a mobster by the name of Small Fry but he doesn't want to give any info on the Leviathan. He does bump into a woman named Lumina, who informs Malone she will be performing at the mobsters known as "Brothers Grimm" wake. At that moment Batman comes and scares her away, we learn it was Dick Grayson as Batman . Back at the cave Dick,Bruce and Damian are looking at a web that connects all things to Leviathan. Professor Pyg seems to play a key part since "Batcow" was tested and has a mind control drug injected in him ,which means the Dark Tower were serving the same meat where Batcow came from. Robin is "dead" so he is grounded and Bruce hits the streets again as Malone.

Malone meets up with Robin's "killer" and he too does not give up any info on the Leviathan but says he knows where there hideout is. Lumina calls Malone and tells him that the wake is a masquerade and it is filled with killers. Bruce heads there as Malone but is taken by two men who were pushing around Lumina. It all was a set up. This issue seems like you canget real lost,we have costume changes and new costumes. That is right, Damian has Alfred knocked out by gas so he can leave the batcave but he he leaves as the 'Redbird'. We see Robin's killer the 'Goat' who setup Malone's death sentence. We see Small Fry hung by a man named the 'Hangman'. Bruce is bagged and looks to be dying but have no fear, the Redbird is on his way.

The comic sent me in circles trying to keep up with all the changes and characters, it has been the weaker issue out of the three but Damian is always the saving grace but it is very cool seeing Dick dawning the Bat suit again.

Now since most comic shops are holding the book until August 22,there are some on ebay that you can fetch for round 10$