Thursday, September 27, 2012

Countdown To Sac Con Featuring Heroclix!

I just started investing in the game Heroclix, we have a ton and the value in these figures just keeps on jumping up
 We have very rare chases from all sets
 Limited editions and convention exclusives
 Tons from brand new sets!

Count Down TO Sac Con Featuring TOYS

Adventure Time Poster

We will be carrying a ton of action figure, dolls and other kinds of antiques!
We are kids at heart so, we have everything for every person.

This is just a small amount of what to find at our table at Sac con!
Checked on Ebay most of these collectibles go for double the value we are selling them for!
 All prices beat Ebay prices Plus no shipping fees LOL

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Count Down To Sac Con! Featuring Comics!


We will have a ton of New 52 and hot Marvel comics!

Tons of classics as well

Walking Dead 100

Ton of issues showcasing the Guardians Of Galaxy and Thanos
Hot sold out properties

Come check us out!
We will  be giving more updates of what we will have daily.

DCBSN Offers Marvel NOW! Bundle *Special Discount*

This is a pretty slick deal, Marvel Now has a lot of new comics to jump on and this is a cheap way to get in the fun:

DCBS Note: During the month of September, this item will be replaced on your order summaries with 18 lines corresponding with each of the 18 Marvel NOW! issues. The total for the 18 lines will equal $33.91 (or multiples of $33.91 if you order multiples of this special). This includes 4 books with a regular price of $2.99 and 14 books with a regular price of $3.99. This special does not include any variants but it does include the regular covers of these 18 books. If you select bags and boards for other items in your order, then bags and boards will also be added during the month of October to these 18 issues at the normal bag and board prices. This special includes these books: Avengers #01 Indestructible Hulk #01 Uncanny Avengers #02 All New X-Men #01, 02 Iron Man #01, 02 Captain America #01 X-Men Legacy #01, 02 Fantastic Four #01 FF #01 Deadpool #01, 02 Thor God of Thunder #01, 02 A Plus X #02 Avengers Assemble #09

Saturday, September 8, 2012

More 10th Anniversary Heroclix Chases Leak Black Lantern Superman And More Marvel Skrulls

Superman Black Lantern Chase
So here it is, everyone said we would get a Superman Black Lantern Chase and we did!
Superman Black Lantern Card FrontSuperman Black Lantern Dial and Card

And two more Marvel ones were revealed the other day but didn't want to post until confirmed. Here is Skrull Wolverine and Spider-Man.

Wolverine Skrull Chase Different Angle (Thank you Arbcdf for pictures from FB)
I hope the sculpt is better then this.
This Spidey reminds of the Zombie version, I wish they would have done other character but it works.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Heroclix 10th Anniversary Chases Leaked

Heroclix 10th Anniversary set his coming out and we will get a Marvel set and a Dc Set.
We just learned that Marvel will have a Chase Skrull Captain America and Dc will have a Chase Zombie Batman. There may be more chases but this is what we know so far.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Count Down To Sac Con! Featuring Posters

Yes, we will be thereand we are bringing some rare posters!

All posters are hot and go for a pretty penny on the Bay but of cousre we will be cheaper

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Count Down To Sac Con! Featuring Custom Dice

Sac Con will be here on Sep. 30!

We will be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First thing I am going to show that we will have is.......

Custom Dice!!!

Custom Dice are rare and hard to come by, I will have multiple sets for sale. Marvel DC and More!
Here is a Taste:

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