Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thank You All SAC CON Attendees!!!

Wow, months and months of preparation paid off in full.
We had a successful table ( We actually needed 2) and got to move a lot of items.
We had a great time! I am kind of a one man operation but I have people always helping me and my family came up big at the Con. They all enjoyed the attendees presences and enjoyed getting the right things to the right people, for the right price

That was the best part! Alll items went to great homes! Every person we sold to, we felt we got to hear there stories and made us glad to be able to give cool items to great people.

We will be back in December and now that we kind of know what to expect, we know what you are looking for and plan on making more people happy with new products.

So again Thank You all for stopping by and saying hi.

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